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Xenforo ACE for XenForo Theme

Xenforo ACE for XenForo Theme 2.2.15


AC.UI is built with our tried-and-true UI.X framework for XenForo 2. We have deliberated and meticulously fine-tuned AC.UI until it is truly the most modern and ideal interface for communities and no detail is missed. Every front size was optimized for legibility, every padding was considered, navigation for mobile devices was completely re-worked, and more were altered from base XenForo for the best user experience and discoverability.

To learn more about AC.UI, we shared why we approached it the way we did and more in-depth explanations of its features here.


After years in the forum world, learning what is ideal for forum structure and user experience, we’ve taken the step forward in what a community should be with Feeds.

We wanted to better organize the way users can quickly find and create content, engage with others about topics that are unrelated to the forum subject but at the same time not alienate users that prefer a more traditional forum structure. Research, countless hours in iteration, and ingenuity have lead us to create a product that has all the benefits of a social platform but never compromising the needs of small communities.





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